I'm a Soarindash, Fluttercord, Flashlight (don't judge me), Applespike/ThunderJack, Raripants, Cheesepie, the list goes on and on... shipper. I also write stories with way too much dialogue in them...
Diamond Tiara is getting sent to a boarding school by her mother, supposedly to "change her low life ways and get her back to how she originally was". However, the CMC their new friend will do everything they can to help Diamond Tiara, or Apple, out.
A Mother's 'Love'Diamond Tiara finds out the consequences of her actions against Spoiled Rich after she stood up to her in front of the entire school. Disgraced, her precious tiara taken away...Then, somepony knocks on her door late at night, and everything changes.by deadpansnarker
170,362 words
· 674 · 37
Head in the CloudsFame and fortune have their values. But sometimes ponies just want to be normal.by Calm Wind
51,758 words
· 745 · 21
Precious BloodIn the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.by DisneyFanatic23
210,199 words
· 864 · 40
Bride of DiscordDiscord returns and will only relieve Equestria of his havoc in exchange for a bride.by DisneyFanatic23
64,570 words
· 1,974 · 58
Hard Pressed to ImpressEven when backed up against a wall, it's important to believe in yourself. You never know when an opportunity may arise.by Calm Wind
16,331 words
· 188 · 5
2141084 Thanks! Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I went to a camp, and you know how it is with camps... NO LAPTOP FOR A WEEKEND! As for the digital art, unless you got a really steady hand and really good hand eye coordination, I suggest you use a digitizer/drawing tablet. Makes life a LOT easier; trust me. As for the drawing, if you already have a program, that's good. If you don't, and under a budget, here are some that might be good: Gimp, Krita, MyPaint, and Inkscape Illustrator (vector images). They all have a lot of tutorials on their website, so they will be pretty easy to use once you get the hand of it. If you aren't on a budget, Photoshop and Corel are REALLY good drawing tools. If you have Photoshop, this might be handy:
Thanks for the fave!
Thanks for the fave!
2141084 Thanks! Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I went to a camp, and you know how it is with camps... NO LAPTOP FOR A WEEKEND! As for the digital art, unless you got a really steady hand and really good hand eye coordination, I suggest you use a digitizer/drawing tablet. Makes life a LOT easier; trust me. As for the drawing, if you already have a program, that's good. If you don't, and under a budget, here are some that might be good: Gimp, Krita, MyPaint, and Inkscape Illustrator (vector images). They all have a lot of tutorials on their website, so they will be pretty easy to use once you get the hand of it. If you aren't on a budget, Photoshop and Corel are REALLY good drawing tools.
If you have Photoshop, this might be handy:
2140879 PS, I'm gonna follow you xD
2140879 You have to teach me how to do digital art xD