• Member Since 24th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 8th, 2019

Lightning Eclipse


Wow · 5:29pm May 19th, 2015

I dont know how it happened but i have 30 watchers, so thanks so i think i might start to put up more of these blog thing for fun, so for my first blog so far I shall put a song that reflects my current mood

Report Lightning Eclipse · 481 views ·
Comments ( 214 )
  • Viewing 210 - 214 of 214

Thanks for the fave on Locksmith

Thanks for add Strong Strongest Swordmaster on your favorites.

Thanks for the fav on Odium!

Glad you are enjoying it so far :twilightsmile:

I'd have to say scaring the guard with two pick up

Thanks for adding the guardians to your favorite list. What is your favorite part so far?

  • Viewing 210 - 214 of 214
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