• Member Since 29th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2016



I'm Not Dead!/Amazing Music Playlist (Varied Artists, Not Just Deadmau5)/Future Chapters Will Be Out Soon! · 3:37am Nov 3rd, 2012

Hey guys, we've got a lot of catching up to do! You're probably wondering "Hey, why didn't you finish your story!?!" Well, partially because I needed a break. I REALLY needed a break from everything. I wanted my Summer to be MY Summer, if you know what I mean! Anyways, new chapters WILL be coming out before Thanksgiving!

Also, I have gotten even more into the EDM scene and I though you guys might want a few links to some of the GOAT songs I've heard.


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*infernal screech*

what password to you wish came true?..:rainbowhuh:

Comment posted by ShadowFall deleted Dec 19th, 2013
Comment posted by ShadowFall deleted May 18th, 2016

Ey, I sent a friend request on Steam about a month ago, could you would you, accept it? (can't find a suitable emoticon so have this :moustache: )

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