Super bowl · 4:21am Feb 4th, 2013
Did you see that shit my team flicking won that birch waz good 49rs fans can eat a dick...I'm very exited if you couldn't tell also I'm gettin so much money.
Did you see that shit my team flicking won that birch waz good 49rs fans can eat a dick...I'm very exited if you couldn't tell also I'm gettin so much money.
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881249yeah I'm here a lot but I'm bad about answering comments so if you need to get ahold of me then shoot me a pm first
hey can you be here all the time whenever I need you? if so then your going to be in ch.2 its started over. unless your not willing.
I see that you favorited my fic "Harem". That means you have quite the good taste in... tales about chasing tail