About commissions · 12:09am Jul 12th, 2022
As a few may know Commissions atm are sort of closed at the moment due to irl life stuff with myself and my co-writer
I'll make a formal announcement when commissions have re-opened but we're likely going to be amending our TOS, we've had the same commission rules and TOS since the start and we've noted holes in them for a while now.
Look forward to commissions opening back up at some point in the future and our new TOS!
I do not do requests, this is clearly stated in multiple locations.
Also you don't do Requests all commission just Asking
Not particularly, like I said covid so that's keeping me from getting into anything interesting. Hoping I get better soon tbh lol
I'm fine bit bored and anything new lately
I've been better, currently sick with covid bleh, how are you?