• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 3rd, 2022



I'm still alive! · 3:23am Sep 7th, 2016

Sorry about...uh...pretty much falling completely silent for ages. This is a secondary account where I post things that I want to keep separate from my main account, and I've been a little busy with my main one. But I actually want to write something new on here! Only thing is, I can't decide which story I want to write first. I've got two in mind, but I want to see which you guys think I should go with.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

Thank u for adding Dolly Dash to your favs :rainbowwild:

Are interested in doing a collaboration story with me?

Thanks for the watch :eeyup:

Thanks for the fav^^

Thanks for the favourite!

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