• Member Since 6th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Autum Breeze

a home-grown australian who embraced being a member of the fandom 2 days before joining. Willingly delved into the fandom whole-heartedly and has never looked back


Apologies for lack of Updates · 1:25am Feb 26th, 2022

As many may have become aware, aside from the latest chapter to I'm Peni Parker. What the FUCK? I haven't updated any of my fics since last week, despite saying in my latest update for Peni that i intended to return to posting fic updates.

This has been for several reasons, though one more pressing is, the day after I posted the update to Peni's fic, i found out i'm sharing my room with an unwanted roommate of the rodent variety.

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Report Autum Breeze · 1,326 views · Story: I'm Peni Parker. The FUCK?! ·
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Comment posted by FluttershyRocks deleted July 13th

a lot of crossovers, shipfics, a few foalfics, some nsfw fics,

i've got a pretty broad spectrum

Oh okay wow that is really late and what kind of stories have you written?

going to bed, honesty.

it's 11:33pm here in Australia

Yeah hi so what are your plans for today?

  • Viewing 397 - 401 of 401
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