The Twinkie Pie Group 542 members · 173 stories

ADMIN NOTICE: Group is undergoing huge revisions. Some rules and such may be outdated/no longer apply to the group.

Hello everypony, let's let the laughter sparkle in our hearts and stories! This group is 100% devoted to Twinkie Pie, or TwiPie. If this is something that you are interested in, and you just so happen to stumble upon this group site, then you are in the right place! If this isn't something you meant to look for, then you are in the right place, too!

My name is Soto Konoha, and I started this group because the other groups that I saw weren't as active, and they were small. Twinkie Pie became one of my most adored ships, and I wanted to show ponies how amazing Twinkie Pie ship is, for it is a lesser known ship for many ponies to sail.

Join the group and make it known to everypony that you, too, are Twinkie Pie fans, and we will give them the extra set of variety of fan fiction stories to read.

Comments ( 19 )
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Comment posted by Hyper Star deleted April 15th

Hi, new here, am I allowed to post my story here? It’s a shipfic starring the best ship (Twinkie Pie of course), and I don’t know if self-submission or whatever it’s called is allowed in this group. It is a story focused around that ship though.:pinkiehappy::heart::twilightsmile:

I know people here like pony twipie, but what about sci twipie from equestria girls?

I have joined!

hi i am 433 ember

me: (is 420th member)

Gosh!! Thanks for including my story "Bluffing" in your group <3 !!

296323 I'm at a tie between Twinkie and Scootaspoon.:twilightblush:

Twipie is the only ship I have ever cared about in my entire life of anything.

Before Twipie, I thought ships were stupid. I thought they were an offense to the original intention of the canon authors. I thought they were juvenile and ephemeral expressions of a foolish heart or hormones. Shipping offended me so much that it colored my opinion of all of fanfiction such that I did not want to read any of it for fear of stumbling upon some wishy-washy nonsense that affronts the creators of the base media we love.

I would not be on Fimfiction if not for Twipie. I probably wouldn't be writing my first ever fanfiction (my first ever written fiction!), either.

And it is my intention, after writing about a dozen stories to work on writing skills and learn the ropes of the business, to write an epic Twipie for the ages. It won't be for pride, and it won't be for self-gratification (though I expect some of those to follow). I'm doing it because I want to share the Twipie in my heart with the world. I want to serve all of you who love them so much, and I want you all to share my joy.

One day. :twilightsheepish: :heart: :pinkiegasp:

I'm going to post a contest for everyone to participate in, if they want to. I'm still figuring out the prize, and I need a nice panel of judges to assist me in the judging of these soon to post Twinkie Pie ships.

I will have it figured out by tomorrow, so once I have it posted with its rules, be prepared to write your hooves away!

From hell, to you, and back again,
Soto Konoha, Fort Impression On Everypony

Hey I just joined, um yay:fluttershbad:.:rainbowwild:lol. ANYWAYS, Twinkie rules

357900 Aha! WRONG!
I'm not a sir!
So i guess this means we're at a stalemate...




So, is there any sort of special etiquette for uploading a story?:rainbowhuh: I dont want to seem like a jerk, just adding every story i see so...:twilightblush:
BTW Twinkie is best couple :pinkiesmile::heart::twilightsmile:


Is there a Twinkie group on DeviantArt. If not somepony needs to make it! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

The perfect two i always say :pinkiesmile::heart::twilightsmile:



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