• Member Since 29th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2021


I should be writing software right now, not fan fiction. The grammar rules are so much simpler.

Quotes from lucid dreams

"This better as hell be a dream. I don't like the idea of dying," I said just before rushing into a sward battle with my evil twin sister. Who then proceeds to stab me in the face.

Running Status

Next Chapter Status:
Teatime: 40%
Broken Dreams: 40%

New Stuff:
Project Green: 25%
Project Black: 1%

Latest Stories

Princess Cadance's reaction to my work.

"I did WHAT?!"


The things I liked most about "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" · 1:37am Oct 12th, 2015

So that there are no spoilers...

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Report SirRage · 591 views ·
Comments ( 229 )
  • Viewing 225 - 229 of 229

Hope your well.:pinkiehappy:

2235462 oh wow I am sorry to hear. :c

Well, work has already sent me to the ER once. Let's hope that happens again. :facehoof:

2233671 Love your stories also glad to see your still around, but I hope work don't stress you to out it can be hurtful to health, all in all I hope you have a lovely evening and please stay safe. :twilightsmile:

I have the notes, and I will try to compile it into a coherent chapter this week. Works consumed my life for the last eight months so finding time to do much of anything has been very difficult.

  • Viewing 225 - 229 of 229
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Story of my life
