• Member Since 1st Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen July 15th



Nimbus Artwork and Chapter 2 · 1:39am Apr 25th, 2020

I'm sorry for not posting as fast as I'd hoped. I had a paper that needed finishing, but that's done so I should be able to work much faster now. I've also been working on making sure that the story won't wander off in random directions, so that's also slowed me down. I hope you guys will like where I'm headed. It'll seem slow at first, but that shouldn't last very long.

On another note, the wonderful BGN helped me get this guy some proper art, so I know what I'm talking about!

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Report Thrawn1800 · 194 views · Story: Seek the Horizon ·


Comments ( 45 )
  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45

Awwwww, of course! You deserve a smile, awesome possum!

Trying to spread more kindness around this site. Always here to bring the cheer. 😇💖

You're my friend-a-doodle now. Have a cookie! 🍪


Thanks for checking out "Hey, DeeDee!" Thrawn! I'm glad you liked it!

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