• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 23rd, 2020


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGjHsLnUO1U. So kik me if you want, I'm Railtaiser.

My Stuff


I'm back · 11:36pm Sep 1st, 2014

Been away for a while. A long while. Far too long I think. No, I'm not dead.

I miss you guys, I miss this fandom and I miss writing stuff.

Well, I'm back I guess. I love this place and you people far too much to stay away. I'll be writing again soon.

Report Eros · 490 views ·


Comments ( 79 )
  • Viewing 70 - 79 of 79

hey eros, if you get this, i'm worried about you. how have you been? also any new pegasi you like?

hey I have a threesome rp in mind. A soarbraelane one
in other words Soarin' Braeburn, Thunderlane one.

If you are in Private Message me

1008799 It is a compliment, sorry if It sounded sarcastic :twilightblush:

Not sure if compliment.

Nice avatar.
Even though it's so ordinary it's actually quite nice.

Haha, yeah I did. I'm still stuck at work though. I'll just write some stuff when I get home tonight and email it to you.

980105 I am ready when you are.
BTW did you get the roughness scaled I emailed you?

980105 mine is interspecies
preferably alicorn on...
others are horn play and preening

Yes. Yes I did.

And I have no shame. Wingplay is probably my favorite pony fetish.

979921 did you get a nose bleed from your own thought?

  • Viewing 70 - 79 of 79
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