• Member Since 1st Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen July 7th


G'Day horsefans, and welcome to my area of limited explanation.


It only took us a Decade. · 6:46am Feb 7th, 2017

But we did it. We tipped the Ice Burg.

(edit, doesn't look to be working so here

And the Plaque (Here)

My Penguin is over 3200 days old, I've been about for every major (and quite a few minor) updates, the Disney acquisition, almost everything.

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Hay look I actually got things out!

I made a (multiple) Thing!

Comments ( 106 )
  • Viewing 102 - 106 of 106

Thanks for adding Hidden Desires to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

Merci beaucoup what about Captain Mommy did you like?

Thanks for the favorite on A Sweet Lullaby!

Thanks for the watch!

Thanks for favoring my story.

  • Viewing 102 - 106 of 106
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