• Member Since 27th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2017


On 03/02/2014, at 21:52, Cryosite wrote: > Jack, I want you to know I appreciate you. You're a beautiful person and I wish more people were like you.


This is a list of people I have pre-read for at some point or am currently pre-reading for.
The Lunar Samurai
Amethyst Wind
The Nocturnal Loner

Focuses on giving a well thought opinion on the piece. The pre-reader should definitely give a lot of feedback on what they thought of the piece, using both good and bad (if applicable) examples.

Just send me a PM or skype message (live:jackwdoherty) if you would like me to pre-read for you or, better yet, you could go to the Overly Extensive Editors group. They offer both editing and pre-reading services, but with much better people than just me. Bear in mind, I will only take stories that interest me, I won't just take anything.


Alts · 11:24pm May 27th, 2014

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Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38

Thank you for adding Baby Pictures to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

your short description is false


Certainly an interesting thank you

:raritywink:Hello there! Jack, is it?
:raritystarry:Thank you ever so much for the follow. I'm sure it means a lot to our . . .
:duck:Actually, hold that thought for a moment.
:raritycry:Fluttershy! Please! You can't run away every time a new follower arrives!
:fluttershbad:B-but there's so many!
:raritydespair:I know, dear, but this reader did us a courtesy of showing his interest! At the very least, we should be here to extend that courtesy back.
:fluttershyouch:I'll . . . I'll try?
:raritywink:There you go, darling! I'll be with you the whole time, okay?
:fluttershyouch:Um . . .
:fluttershysad:Thank you for following, Mr. Jack sir. I . . . I really appreciate that. It's, um . . . nice that you're following us.
:fluttershyouch:Was that okay?
:raritywink:That was fine, sweetheart. Was that so hard?
:duck:Oh. Oh dear. Perhaps I should do the greetings from now on.

  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38
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Quotes Box

On 03/02/2014, at 21:52, Cryosite wrote: > Jack, I want you to know I appreciate you. You're a beautiful person and I wish more people were like you.

On 27/06/2014, at 01:37, Skeeter TL wrote:
> Yegods yes!