The Epicness of Pinkie
My Best Stories That I'd Like To Have Featured!
The Background As you walk through Ponyville, the first ponies you notice are the ones that really stand out. Namely, the mane six. But every time you saw that pony brushing past you or singing in the chorus or sitting in the crowd, it was one of us. One of the bac by Mai Oates 4,669 words · 39 · 2
Slot 1: A short fluffy bit of nonsensical drabble with TimeBubbles shippping
Slot 2: A fic centering around the background mane six: Doctor Whooves, Vinyl Scratch, Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon Sweetie Drops, Derpy Hooves, and Octavia.
All My Wonderful Stories!
All Of The Places Where I Look At Other Stories (And Post My Own)44
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The Stories That I Love With Burning Passion And That You Should Read Now
What is a Name? Pinkie Pie finds herself in a position where she can no longer recall the years she has spent in Ponyville, as if the memories were erased from her mind entirely. She must rediscover herself, her love for her friends, and her passion for life. by Key Tapper 32,392 words · 2,298 · 38
Can't Be Saved I can't see anything. I can't smell anything. I can't feel anything. And all I hear... is beauty. by Jimmy Lethal 1,645 words · 51 · 2
I Bet you're flying inside A love letter, from Rainbow Dash to Pinkie Pie, to remind her that as long she's loved, she will never feel lonely. by Damocles23 3,699 words · 58 · 7
Glad I could brighten someones day!!
Aw, thanks!
Hi! I really like your page!

Of course! I've really been meaning to read it for a while, so hopefully I'll get off my bum soon and do it!
Hello there! Thank you for deciding to add Discord Writes a Ship Fic to your favorites!
I hope you enjoy reading it, and I look forward to reading your comments on it soon! Cheers!
Thanks! And I'm sure your story is great, but I can't make that kind of commitment today, sorry.