Latest Stories
- After being forced out of Equestria along with all other humans after a deadly attack from a human, Brendan returns home as a witness to attempt to bring the culprit to justice. Though it sounds easy enough, there's an issue. The victims aren't humanSongbrony · 2.5k words · 240 views
- After Twilight leaves the human world, a familiar face comes around CHS searching for the source of weird energy readings. But when confronted by Sunset Shimmer, something arises that nobody is prepared for.Songbrony · 2.1k words · 35 3 · 1.6k views
Those I stalk/those who stalk me
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Origin Stories
Rainbow's Parents: The Truth Rainbow Dash has been living on her own since she was a filly. Nopony knows what happened. Until now by Songbrony 110,854 words · 391 · 21
The Past of a Shy Mare After receiving a letter from Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy decides to open up about why she's lived alone for so many years. Only one pony knows most of her story, and now she's going to tell everyone. by Songbrony 79,124 words · 92 · 4
These are my stories that are meant to give insight into the history of the loyal and brash Rainbow Dash and the kind and shy Fluttershy. These stories are heartfelt, heart wrenching, sad, and if you really get into the story, depressing. They can be hilarious and funny at times, but eventually, the pain of what they go through will hit you full force.
1129054 Thanks. I actually do plan on writing more SweetieMash stories once I'm out of college and finish up my other big story right now. I'm glad you loved the story so much

You are fucking amazing, please write more swwetieXbutton I fucking love it! Also you are quite great at it, please do more!
that famed word from the man who was random at the worst of times
God i'v always wanted to say this ALLONSY
418558 i was wondering if you were going to finish your story "Equestia's Worst Nightmare"
i really like it so far
418499 Thanks