Background Ponies 367 members · 1,061 stories

A group for stories that star or feature background ponies, the unsung heros of Equestria and fanfiction writers alike, giving us more character variety without the cliche of OCs. From the first notice of a grey crosseyed pegasus mare to the revealing of Vinyl's true eye color and everything inbetween, they've been fan favorites since the start of the show.

Background Ponies, we salute you.

Comments ( 6 )
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I've noticed this place hasn't been that active, let me change that!
Got a question; Is it possible to add G5 background pony stories here, or just G4?:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryutora deleted March 12th

proofreading and
editing service

PM me with any requests


Yay! Why haven't I seen this group before until now? Anyways, great to join it. I'll submit a story in here hopefully.

Hey, I added my story "A Small Collection of Small Stories about Small Ponies" and it has three short stories. Two of them are about background ponies (including Dinky, Cyan Skies, Lemon Scratch and Octavia) but the third is about Scootaloo. Does this qualify to be in the group? I went ahead and added it but you can take it down if you don't think it qualifies.


Nice Group we got here :)

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