• Member Since 14th Apr, 2023
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  • 41 weeks
    Friendship is Magic turns 13!

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic turns 13 today! Happy birthday to an amazing show!!

    0 comments · 49 views

Friendship is Magic turns 13! · 1:49am Oct 11th, 2023

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic turns 13 today! Happy birthday to an amazing show!!

Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14

Thanks for favoring Spike's Omnitrix

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Thanks for the watch! :heart:

Thanks for the watch and the fave on What is Given! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the watch. Have a follow in return! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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