• Member Since 15th Nov, 2020
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Kibat Grenbuku

I’m Kibat Grenbuku, an artist, writer and a passionate Broodian vampire!

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Blog Posts

  • Sunday
    R:G5 Book 1 recap/Co-Author needed!

    The world of Equestria has been changed as we know it forever. For centuries, the three tribes lived in constant fear, and one young daring mare was destined to change the fate for everypony. Her name is Sunny Starscout. Everyday, she tries to convince her fellow Earth Ponies in Maretime Bay that the three tribes should learn to come together in Unity, but they would refuse to listen. One day however, her entire world was flipped upside down as she and everypony discovered that she

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  • 1 week
    R:G5: Book 1 QnA!

    Hey there everyone! I once again want to say a special thanks to you guys for making this possible and supporting this version of the story!

    Now, before I go on to my next blog of where this series will go next, I would like to open up a QnA session here in the blog!

    For some of you who has seen my version of the story and want to ask questions that may contain spoilers for others who hasn't read it yet, please use this.

    So, go on ahead, hit me up on some questions!

    1 comments · 46 views
  • 1 week
    R:G5 Book 1 finished!

    Whew! It's finally done my friends! R:G5 Book 1 is finally complete! And with that I will be starting Book 2 soon. After all of that craziness, I need a break from writing for a little bit.

    But as a side, along side Book 2, I will also be making a crossover for my R:G5 universe, so stick around to hear that next two projects coming soon!

    Thank you so much for showing support for my big project guys, until then, see you real soon!

    1 comments · 29 views
  • 1 week
    Book 1’s homestretch!

    Chapter 10 has been published! Chapter 11 and the Epilogue are currently in the works! We’re at the homestretch my friends! Are you excited for Book 2?

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  • 2 weeks
    New Designs?

    Aside from Sunny’s design in my R:G5, do you guys think I should also give the rest of the Mane 6 a little redesign? If so, which character(s) design you’d like to see changed?

    You can check out the reference sheet for Sunny here: https://www.deviantart.com/kibatgrenbuku/art/R-G5-Sunny-Starscout-1071994044

    0 comments · 32 views

R:G5 Book 1 recap/Co-Author needed! · 4:09pm Last Sunday

The world of Equestria has been changed as we know it forever. For centuries, the three tribes lived in constant fear, and one young daring mare was destined to change the fate for everypony. Her name is Sunny Starscout. Everyday, she tries to convince her fellow Earth Ponies in Maretime Bay that the three tribes should learn to come together in Unity, but they would refuse to listen. One day however, her entire world was flipped upside down as she and everypony discovered that she

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Report Kibat Grenbuku · 56 views ·
Comments ( 91 )
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Hi so did you have a good day today?

No no, they don’t serve Drac. While some speculated that he was created by him, again, their origins has been a mystery. Meaning, nobody really knows where they come from. Heck, even I don’t know where they come from, other than my imagination as a creator.

Um okay and do they serve Dracula at all?

That’s my species, the Broodian, a anthropomorphic vampire bat like breed with their origins shrouded in mystery.

What is that as your profile picture?

Oh okay that sounds good.

If you mean my R:G5 story, then yeah, there’s some action in it.

Oh okay and is their action in your story at all?

One step at a time Flutts. We’ll work that out after I’ve finished up my chapters. In the mean time, why not give one of my stories a read?

Yeah me too and we can have Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon and all of her minions, forces, and armies invading the My Little Pony Generation 5 universe and attacking it then it is destroyed and gone to oblivion great idea? Friendship Is Magic Queen Chrysalis and her armies of changelings will also be apart of that too.

Not a problem. I'm more of a Star Wars Legends fan than a Star Wars Disney Canon fan.

Yeah thanks for agreeing with me about that.

  • Viewing 77 - 91 of 91
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