• Member Since 16th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen 44 minutes ago


A French brony who loves to read and write. My English is not perfect, but I will do my best!

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Blog Posts

  • 18 weeks
    TV Tropes Page Apple Bloom's Mansion

    Someone made a TV Tropes page about the Apple Bloom's Mansion saga.


    I made quite the number of tropes without knowing, lol.

    1 comments · 132 views
  • 21 weeks
    Subspace Army Tree Before Chapter 168

    Here is the tree showing the officers' ranks in the Subspace Army before chapter 168. I advise to read the chapter first before seeing the image.

    0 comments · 149 views
  • 22 weeks
    "New" Story and New Group

    I'm starting to write a new story, or not really. It will actually be a compilation of stories in the universe of UME. Tales From The Omniverse. More than a compilation, this is a group made by Cyrus Colter there. In this group, people will be able to post their Tales happening in UME's universes. They can be Tales about anything, happening anytime during the timeline, even after the final

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    5 comments · 205 views
  • 25 weeks
    Sizes Precision

    With A Sweetie Dream Land's rewriting, I have changed some sizes.

    As of the starts of A Sweetie Dream Land, Kirby was 20cm tall. A Waddle Dee is about 30cm, Dedede, about one meter, Meta Knight, over 30cm (maybe 35cm, not sure yet), and Sweetie Void, about 50cm.

    By the time of The Forgotten Land, Kirby is 30cm tall, and Sweetie is about 60cm.

    0 comments · 195 views
  • 25 weeks
    Rewriting A Sweetie Dreamland

    I'm going to start to rewrite A Sweetie Dreamland, essentially to change the verb tenses. I'm also going to change "Dreamland" to "Dream Land", maybe change a few lines here and there, and so on. I don't know how long it will take, but I think that I should be done before the end of February.

    1 comments · 206 views

Original Bosses Pause Descriptions. · 6:38pm Nov 14th, 2019

Here are all the pause description I have imagined for the original bosses of my story A Sweetie Dreamland. I know people love those. And I love those too. Of course, there are some of the bosses that don't have images to accompany their descriptions. Maybe one day. I'm not really good at drawing, and I only have Paint to work with.

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TV Tropes Page Apple Bloom's Mansion · 6:05pm March 17th

Someone made a TV Tropes page about the Apple Bloom's Mansion saga.


I made quite the number of tropes without knowing, lol.

Comments ( 953 )
  • Viewing 949 - 953 of 953

You're welcome! It's my pleasure to bring joy to others through my writing.

I just want to say that I've been a massive fan of your writing for the past several years now, and your story "A Sweetie Dream Land" is currently my favorite story of all time. Thank you, for writing such enjoyable stories about such enjoyable worlds, and for inspiring me to write my own story.

Truthfully, I read these stories years ago before I made an account here, but I only remembered these stories a few days ago. Still have to finish The Soldier and Hope whenever I have time.

I like such a serious, warrior Twilight. It was particularly fun to see her interact with her canon self. Her romance with Chrysalis is also nice.

Thank you for adding Soldier of Magic, The Princess and The Soldier, The Soldier and The Unexpected and The Soldier and Hope to your Favorites.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

May I ask what you enjoy about them?

  • Viewing 949 - 953 of 953
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