Pinkie Pie finds herself in a position where she can no longer recall the years she has spent in Ponyville, as if the memories were erased from her mind entirely. She must rediscover herself, her love for her friends, and her passion for life.
A young boy, a little girl, a chance encounter, and a big heart. All of these things will lead to changes in the Sparkle household that no one is prepared for, but will enhance their lives in ways that no one expects.
A simple Tunneler drone is catapulted from Equestria during the infamous Wedding onto earth. Confused, injured and alone, the drone must figure out how to survive with the whole world watching. (Changeling on Earth, Xcom, Men in Black and SG:1 Xover)
After being banished, Nightmare Moon finds she is able to talk with Discord, also sealed away. The two despise one another, but talking with a hated foe is better than endless monotony. Over time, the two fall in love, up until tragedy strikes.
The greatest displays of strength are not always the most overt. Fluttershy is not whom one would consider to be a strong pony. But when Rarity digs a little deeper, she discovers in her friend a strength that carries the weight of hundreds.
The Fall of Spike the DragonFollowing after the events of the Diary of Spike the Dragon, Spike has fallen into insanity. And things just keep getting worse as time goes by. by Wrangle Wolfe
32,796 words
· 157 · 16
2316504 No problem. I do have a tendency to leave that kind of impression. Keeping track of 60+ (and occasionally growing) shelves can be a bit tiresome on my end as well.
2206520 Ahhh, yeah that is a bit of a FAQ, but I am glad to say that there will in fact be a full story for What Am I?, I just haven't gotten around to writing it yet. Also, don't worry about silly things like that, I love answering your guys questions!
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
2316504 No problem. I do have a tendency to leave that kind of impression. Keeping track of 60+ (and occasionally growing) shelves can be a bit tiresome on my end as well.
Thank for adding my story to your bookshleves!
(I thought fimfiction glitched when I saw al those notifications
2206520 Ahhh, yeah that is a bit of a FAQ, but I am glad to say that there will in fact be a full story for What Am I?, I just haven't gotten around to writing it yet. Also, don't worry about silly things like that, I love answering your guys questions!
Thanks for the follow and my apologies if this is asked a lot but I was wondering if there is going to be a full story of "What am I?".
2190746 Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. That's something for you to decide.
Thanks for the follow, but why me? i mean, i'm nothing special.
2174940 Heh, not a problem! I'm glad to please! Anyways, I will have to say, I loved that story. And you yourself have a lovely day!
Whoa-ho-ho. Those notifications, though. I definitely wasn't expecting that today.
I'm thrilled that you enjoyed my story so much! Have a great day! :D
2168271 Ah no problem, honestly I'm going to be reading the S**T out of it. ...Why did I censor that?
P.S. The record is 15