• Member Since 27th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2017


Currently residing in the (literal) World's End. May not be able to respond quickly due to faulty conexion.

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The ending of The Lunar Escape · 9:51pm Jan 5th, 2016

Yay, first blog post!

Okay, let's get to the matter at hand. Basically I've been comparing the endings of The Lunar Escape, and I noticed that the Alternate Ending was way better than the actual Ending. I made two endings as a way of trying to write both kinds of endings. Maybe I could delete the good one and make the bad one canon?

To those amazing persons who follow me, what do you think?

Report LuneLover · 383 views · Story: The Lunar Escape ·
Comments ( 124 )
  • Viewing 120 - 124 of 124

Thanks for the library add

Thanks for the add on "Can Ya Fix Her?" Glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

Hello! It warms my heart that you liked Triggered and the rest! Thank you so much! :pinkiehappy:

Hiya, thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

I see what you mean about not knowing how to classify it; it doesn't quite fit into any of the other categories you've got there. Glad you liked it though :pinkiehappy:

2376555 Whoa. That was a whole new definition of fast.

Thanks for the watch, by the way.

  • Viewing 120 - 124 of 124
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The ending of The Lunar Escape · 9:51pm Jan 5th, 2016

Yay, first blog post!

Okay, let's get to the matter at hand. Basically I've been comparing the endings of The Lunar Escape, and I noticed that the Alternate Ending was way better than the actual Ending. I made two endings as a way of trying to write both kinds of endings. Maybe I could delete the good one and make the bad one canon?

To those amazing persons who follow me, what do you think?

Report LuneLover · 383 views · Story: The Lunar Escape ·

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