• Member Since 21st Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen March 31st


I fear that nothing I see is real, so I write to make sense of it. I see things that can't exist yet I feel them breathing under my fingers. I will not forget this place nor the friends I've made. MFM


Of course it was a dream · 2:32pm Nov 7th, 2019

Just woke up from a nap, gotta write this down

Okay, I was surfing late night television when I accidentally chose a low numbered channel that seemed to have some random anime scheduled.
The show was an animated Equestria girls music video that was a little... NSFW.

Questionable would be the derpi rating if you catch my drift.

So I said to myself "how come I haven't heard of this before?"

Then I saw Pinkie sashaying around nearly topless with no brassiere.

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Thank you so very much for liking my story Blame the Pink One :pinkiehappy:

It was an enjoyable read.

No problem, I enjoyed it.

Thank you for adding The Trouble with Truffles to your favorites! It is greatly appreciated! :twilightsmile:

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