A group designed to share and discuss facts about Fullmetal Pony, a collaboration between Leoshi and Twilight is the BEST. Got questions? Ask. Got suggestions? Give. Want to be a part of the process? Well, it just so happens that we're in need of new pre-readers who wish to dedicate themselves to the cause. If any of that interests you, then c'mon in. We've got the best fans around.
You can guess at the rules just by visiting any other major group (or pretty much any forum anywhere). Feel free to chat and discuss, but please be civil. You may also freely talk about the shows. How else are we going to understand what gets adapted? Ready, steady, go!
I am scared to ask but who's who
Whoa it's a Gaia avatar! Been a while since I've seen one of those.
TwiBest and I have a short list of character adaptations already, but thanks for the suggestion!
Let's see if twilight and shining are ed and al then it would make sense to make Spike Mustang (not because he's a dragon but rather because of his reputation of being somewhat of a lady killer) from there Ember/Rarity Riza ( I would go for either)
Well then let's get this show on the road!
Here are some suggestions of mine(some of these have been said before):
1.You might want to do a bit of an overhaul w/ the story. That is, some of the chapters are more suited for a prologue.
2.The arrangement of the chapters aren't chronologically correct. So, chapter rearrangement.
408099 Now have a mustache.
404322 Woohoo! Party!
Let's get this party started!