I don't know how you wandered over here, but feel free to look around my little corner. Maybe one day I'll make it look nice, but until then, I'll have to settle for giving you a warm welcome. Please, don't hesitate to say hi.
If you're looking to read my old stuff, I feel like I should inform you that they were written a very long time ago and my writing style has changed dramatically since then.
My profile picture was made by the wonderful Mutter_Butter. Give that page a peek.
salve, amice
ego sum mortuus nondum
i videbo vos postea
Quis updates ut fabulam?
Oh, what's good, tape? Yes, reading that review was quite a treat. I'm glad you liked it!
Skimmed that review of Her Eyes Reflect The Stars, and while of course I avoided the spoilers, I'm glad to know I'll be in for a good story once I finally read it.
(Tape Deck under a temporary username change, by the way.)