• Member Since 19th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Just trying to be better.

A Peek At My Favourites

Hey There.

I don't know how you wandered over here, but feel free to look around my little corner. Maybe one day I'll make it look nice, but until then, I'll have to settle for giving you a warm welcome. Please, don't hesitate to say hi.

If you're looking to read my old stuff, I feel like I should inform you that they were written a very long time ago and my writing style has changed dramatically since then.


My profile picture was made by the wonderful Mutter_Butter. Give that page a peek.

Comments ( 66 )
  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66

Oof, that's a lot of exams. Study hard! Or don't, I'm not a cop, lol
My year has been... a year, haha. Summer's been nice so far, though. No updates for you yet, I'm afraid, but I'm still working.
Best of luck!

Thank you very much! Your kind words mean a whole lot to me.
I know what you mean, some of the best stories on my favorites have so few votes...

sneaking in to do my usual check for any updates
hope that you've had a great year so far, this is also probably gonna be the last check in for some time because of my upcoming exams, six exams in the space of 3 days
with best regards

Hey, I can't help but tell the truth.

Quality is not only found just in popular fics.

(Another one of my absolute favorites doesn't even have 300 likes. A darn shame.)

I love and greatly respect both of those stories, so the fact you hold my work at the same level is genuinely touching. Thank you.

  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66
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