• Member Since 19th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Just trying to be better.


Would you look at that? · 1:03am Aug 20th, 2023

Hey there, hello. Hope this finds you well.

I was looking at my profile a few days ago when I noticed something pretty striking. August 19, 2013, the day I first created this account, was almost ten years ago. Today, it is ten years ago, exactly. A whole decade. For whatever reason that felt a bit like like getting full-on slapped across the face out of nowhere.

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Report Lynwood · 735 views · #howdy

Voiced Reading · 6:40pm Mar 26th, 2023

Hi, all,

Thanks to the efforts of one Fire Hearth, What a Strange Little Colt now has a reading on youtube! If you're interested in that sort of thing, why don't you go and take a look?

That's all for today. Until next time,


Report Lynwood · 479 views ·

About the Story Hiatus · 11:37pm Dec 27th, 2021

Hi, all,

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Upcoming Interview With the Barcast · 8:40pm Nov 11th, 2021

Hey, all,

I've been invited to go onto The Barcast Podcast for an interview this Saturday, November 13, from 7-9 PM Eastern Time. I'm looking forward to it!

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Report Lynwood · 472 views · #interview #Barcast

New Story · 8:53pm Oct 31st, 2021

Hello, everyone, and welcome!

As you may have seen, I’ve just posted my newest fic: Her Eyes Reflect the Stars! Wow, it took some effort to finish but I got it out just in time to send off the spooky season.

I rarely write horror/mystery, and I do understand that it’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but I urge you all to give it a try. My intention was to try something new in a new way, and I had a lot of fun doing it.

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Upcoming Story Announcement · 12:06am Oct 31st, 2021

I dream of her again. Her legs are too long.

She does not face me. Filthy water runs from her mane and tail into nothingness. Her back faces me and she stands far away but not far enough to hide the choking stench of rot. Then she speaks to me.

“My time approaches, little one,” she says in inharmonic voices empty of life or love. “I've long awaited this moment.”

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About It Won't Be Easy · 5:13am Jul 1st, 2021


Some of you may remember that, in my last post, I mentioned I was working on a project. This story is not that project. I got distracted by a contest, and It Won't Be Easy is the product of that. The previously mentioned project is still being worked on.

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Report Lynwood · 728 views ·

What a Strange Little Colt - Afterward · 1:32am Apr 24th, 2021

Hello, everyone, and welcome!

This is my little extended final author's note for What a Strange Little Colt. I didn't want to clutter the story page itself with my miscellaneous collection of thoughts that I wanted to share, so this is my way of keeping separate subjects separate. If you haven't finished it, stop reading now, as this post contains spoilers.

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Report Lynwood · 11,278 views ·