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A review of Season 8 · 6:10am Feb 2nd, 2019

The moral of the Season: Don't mess with the Tree of Harmony!

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A review of Season 8 · 6:10am Feb 2nd, 2019

The moral of the Season: Don't mess with the Tree of Harmony!

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Blog Posts

  • 285 weeks
    A review of Season 8

    The moral of the Season: Don't mess with the Tree of Harmony!

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    0 comments · 235 views
  • 330 weeks
    Thoughts on S8:E1 + 2 "School Daze"

    "Gee Chancellor, what are we going to do tonight?"

    "The same thing we do every night Pinkie. TRY TO TAKE OVER EQUESTRIA... (via its educational system)"

    They're Pinkie and the Neigh,
    YEs Pinkie and the Neigh.
    One is a genius, the other's insane.
    They have equine looks.
    They do things by the book.
    Where's Dinky?
    It's Pinkie and the Neigh, Neigh, Neigh, Neigh, Neigh.

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    0 comments · 325 views
  • 334 weeks
    Equestria Girls has a problem. It's Tenchi Muyo! without Tenchi

    I just saw Forgotten Friendship. And once again, the plot is the same: an Equestrian Maguffin was banished to the EqG realm; ergo EqG has to deal with the problem Equestria wouldn't/couldn't handle. Before you say, "that's just the Equestrian Girls' plot gimmick," let me tell you that another franchise suffered for repeating this same plot over and over and over.

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    0 comments · 314 views
  • 346 weeks
    Thoughts on "Shadow Play" S7:E25 + 26

    The tl;dr version : Star Swirl is a dick.

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    0 comments · 321 views
  • 407 weeks
    MLP: Chevy is Magic

    All right,

    Which one of you bronies is driving home from New York Comic Con on Sunday in this car?

    0 comments · 452 views
Comments ( 18 )
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Thank you for favoriting my silly story. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for adding The Hidden Tribes to your Library. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the favorite!

Thanks for the fav!

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