• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen January 14th


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  • TPillow Case
    When a simple small town Pegasus finds herself out of work, she takes up the offer of an old friend to move to the big city. After all, it has been over ten years since portals to the human world were opened, ponies do this all the time now right?
    Taffy · 15k words  ·  1,304  21 · 14k views
Comments ( 33 )
  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33

I aspire to be like this; have every story I make to be good and complete, in case I disappear from the fandom

I wish there was more Pillow Case chapters ú_ù

Do you ever plan on writing another story?

R.i.p. Pillow Case.
You will be missed.

I remember seeing Pillow Case on /mlp/, not realizing that it was at first a greentext. I didn't read the description well enough. :derpytongue2:

  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33
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Tumbling Pillows · 12:33am Aug 27th, 2015

So I'm making that ask blog I said I might do some time ago for Pillow Case and her friends.

You can find it here

I've worked on my ponying just for this. Here's a concept pic of Straw-B as a sample:

[Human boyfriend sold separately]

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