• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen January 14th


  • TPillow Case
    When a simple small town Pegasus finds herself out of work, she takes up the offer of an old friend to move to the big city. After all, it has been over ten years since portals to the human world were opened, ponies do this all the time now right?
    Taffy · 15k words  ·  1,306  21 · 14k views

More Blog Posts4

  • 475 weeks
    Tumbling Pillows

    So I'm making that ask blog I said I might do some time ago for Pillow Case and her friends.

    You can find it here

    I've worked on my ponying just for this. Here's a concept pic of Straw-B as a sample:

    [Human boyfriend sold separately]

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    4 comments · 724 views
  • 530 weeks
    The Summer Cycle

    Step 1: Check for fic updates
    Step 2: If any, read them, return to step 1.
    Step 3: If you see none, wonder why no one is updating
    Step 4: Remember you have several stories and drawing projects you need to work on
    Step 5: Try to think of what to write for one of them, and fail.
    Step 6: Try to forget about projects by returning to step 1.

    I think I need to try something different.

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    4 comments · 580 views
  • 577 weeks
    Well. That just happened.

    I just spent yesterday in a mildly indifferent state of surprise, driving myself mad watching in horrific fascination as the little red numbers on the top of the page ticked by like a stopwatch. It's almost like watching yourself explode in slow motion from a detached out of body state. My eyes kept darting to the larger-than-it-needs-to-be "Revoke Submission" button; a voice whispered "You can

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    7 comments · 864 views
  • 628 weeks
    Well. Here I am.

    Finally got my cover image done. Needs work, fixes, and a better artist than me, but it's good enough for now. Now to wait for my story to be approved. If it does I already have the next chapter ready and might post the third before moving to a weekly schedule. Here's hoping someone actually reads it.

    8 comments · 736 views

Tumbling Pillows · 12:33am Aug 27th, 2015

So I'm making that ask blog I said I might do some time ago for Pillow Case and her friends.

You can find it here

I've worked on my ponying just for this. Here's a concept pic of Straw-B as a sample:

[Human boyfriend sold separately]

I made a quick comic to start it up and we'll see what happens next. I really do feel like I need some inspiration for the characters to do anything else with them so I figured the best way to keep that going would be to make something that required user input.

I was considering adding a chapter page into the story just for that news but I've hated when I've seen other authors here do that, making something that looks like an update but turns out to be news about a hiatus or something else for the story. So I don't know where I'll go with that. I just want a way of letting people who followed the story know in a way they'll notice but without shoving it around like that.

I guess it's enough to just tag the story in this entry. Who knows. If the blog takes off it might give me an idea or two for a short story chapter to update with and I can add the news there. We'll see.

Report Taffy · 724 views · Story: Pillow Case ·
Comments ( 4 )

Yay I totally forgot about this fic but it's not dead.

Why not search the archives of the Ponies in Earth threads for some others' greentext stories of Pillow to illustrate? (They're probably there, somewhere, buried deep in all that NSFW.)
Can't wait to see what you do with the blog.


I could but I still want to write for the characters. The problem is with the way I went about writing the fic I'm lacking in any ideas for short stories to update it with.

Now that I think of it, I wonder if I should really make this another pony comic ask blog and not just a written thing intersected with illustrations. Sort of like how things like Prequel or Moonstuck mostly are, illustrated stories. We'll see. Maybe I could do a mix of both. I'm definitely not going to go for the full 100% roleplay kind of blog, but I don't want to just be a ripoff of Horse Wife. :twilightsheepish:

Hey, neat, this story is still a going concern!

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