• Member Since 12th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 21 minutes ago


Hug your nearest alicorn.

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  • 1 week
    New Artwork for They're Not Bugs, They're Features

    Hello everyone!

    Once again, thanks to the incredibly talented Mikkybun (who you can find right here: https://x.com/Mikkybun) we've got some incredible artwork in the most recent chapter of the anthology featuring everyone's favorite human/changeling family, They're Not Bugs, They're Features titled "Canthus's Secret." Be sure to check it out, it's so cute y'all. :twilightblush:

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    2 comments · 382 views
  • 14 weeks
    A Quick Update

    Hello everyone!

    I just wanted to leave a quick update regarding my current situation. There's nothing serious going on, but my work arrangements have changed. As a result, I have had, and will continue to have, significantly less time to write than I did before. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere! However, my productivity will likely be much lower for the foreseeable future.

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    11 comments · 608 views
  • 16 weeks
    Look at These Buggos!

    Hello everyone!

    Exciting news! I got some art done of Anon and Chrysalis's changeling children featured in "They're Not Bugs, They're Features!" Check them out below!





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    14 comments · 1,310 views
  • 19 weeks
    Gamophobia Complete!

    Hello everyone!

    Exciting news! Gamophobia is now complete! So, if any of you were waiting for it to be finished before diving in, now is your chance!

    For the uninformed, Gamophobia is a sort of spinoff of the Chrysalis-centric trilogy of fics I wrote last year, taking place during the time skip in the final chapter of Run Without Debugging. Expect emotional damage, self-doubt, a lot of love, and... secret agents?

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    4 comments · 415 views
  • 21 weeks
    I Helped Co-Write a Thing!

    Hello everyone!

    Here's a fun announcement: I helped co-write a thing, alongside the incredibly talented Perfectly Insane! You can check it out over on their page!


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    5 comments · 251 views
Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 19 - 28 of 28

Neat stories, I like the wide story diversity you are going for. I'll consider you the 'WHAT IF' mlp author.

No, I do not take commissions.

It's probably not possible, but are story commissions a thing?

Why thank you very much!

I'm glad to hear it! I hope you have a nice time here!

I'm new to this site, but after some pushing from some enthusiastic friends, I don't regret my decision! I first hopped on and clicked whatever caught my eye first, which just so happened to be your story, Sunshine and Tia. It was a fun little read so I went to your profile to see what else you wrote, and dang did I fall into a deep, deep rabbit hole. I just finished reading your Royal-Tea series and honestly, I can't wait to give more of your stories a read :)

You are currently the Barry Bonds of Fimfiction! How is it that every single one of your stories smacks it out of the ball park?

Nagg #21 · May 4th · · ·

??? 😭

Bro, if you keep PUMPING out stories like these, I'm finna buss fam, ngl

Somewhere between none and a lot. :pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 19 - 28 of 28
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The Entire Royal-Tea Series In Order


New Artwork for They're Not Bugs, They're Features · 4:27am July 19th

Hello everyone!

Once again, thanks to the incredibly talented Mikkybun (who you can find right here: https://x.com/Mikkybun) we've got some incredible artwork in the most recent chapter of the anthology featuring everyone's favorite human/changeling family, They're Not Bugs, They're Features titled "Canthus's Secret." Be sure to check it out, it's so cute y'all. :twilightblush:

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