Guiding Light and Careful Study · 11:18pm Dec 15th, 2016
Done by the talented Sipioc, behold!
Thanks for the lovely art.
Want to help raise funds to get more consistent art for the stories? Join my atreon!
Done by the talented Sipioc, behold!
Thanks for the lovely art.
Want to help raise funds to get more consistent art for the stories? Join my atreon!
Arriving out of the blue to grace us all with her talent, TheGreatCat14 once again delivers an art into the world!
So, without further ado, I give you this link to a moderately nsfw pic depicting a bit from The Dazzlings are Insane.
Thanks again, TheGreatCat14. May we continue to inspire each other in the future!
I'm streaming my art again. Almost done with the picture now. Here's the link to channel, I'll start it up in a few. Get some popcorn and enjoy the show.
My lovely partner, Moon Flower, rarely does art, mostly because they insist on only doing traditional art, on paper, coloured with actual pencils, and it usually takes them quite a long time to get something finished. But when they actually set out to make something, the results are quite nice.
Hey all, for anybody that cares I've got commissions permanently open because, haha, Uni. I've never been more stessed in my life and I think that even simple sketch commissions would be a great way to do something relaxing other than the constant assignments.
I have a new commissions info pic so that its much easier (Prices are in USD to account for the ever changing GBP value with the damn Brexit situation)
Hey guys, I'm working on a contest piece with the theme Promise.
This is what I got for the contest so far.
Now for some mlp art show off
This is what I've done for commissions :3
Because it's been a tradition of mine since I joined DeviantArt several years ago.
Okay, so Arian Blaze did a blog asking for things to draw. I think I will too, but I'm going to be more specific. I need to practice drawing wings. So I want to draw your pegasus/alicorn OC.
Okay, that's probably enough now, guys!
I'll be drawing with just pencil and paper, so it'll look something like this, but… well… with wings of course.
Hey team,
I’ve been managing to keep to a weekly (mostly!) posting schedule for The World is Filled with Monsters, and some readers have noticed that the cover art keeps changing. That’s by design – I have a bunch of title cards for the main characters, and there’s more on the way.
Because why not? If you've read a certain blog post of mine, you know my shipping preferences.
Yes I create my own covers. The only one I traced was in Stare Down because I was lazy but for every other one it takes me 3-4 days to finish. BIOMAGIC is my new story and I'm currently working on Triosis. BIOMAGIC is incomplete but be on the look out for a new chapter coming in maybe 1-2 days.
This first pic was made around one & half to two years ago
The second one was made just a few months ago to see just how I've improved
Some monsters that I came up with and drew that I've decided to share.
Names I came up with for this monster:
Names I came up with for this monster:
"Swine Fu"
"Pork Chop"
Names I came up with for this monster:
"Hollow Hustler"
"Corrupted Crapshooter"
Just a quick shoutout to Starlight Spark, who has done all of the official CRISIS-verse artwork in the passt, and who has just posted up the newest collection of art pieces on her page, which includes the new cover art for CRISIS: New World Order, a piece related to
So I made another art work piece for a friend that pushed me into loving my fiance even more.
Got myself the second cheapest drawing tablet I could a while ago to try to get the creative juices flowing again in spite of what a meh year I've had.
(The cheapest of the brand I wanted doesn't have bluetooth, if you're wondering. Oh, and minor health crud conga-lining. Nothing hospital worthy, just draining, unfun stuff that sucks out all your energy. )
This painting is another paint-by-number that I did, that which hatched out of an egg recently.