• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


No one's ever really gone.

CRISIS-verse Fanart

A big thanks to the many artists over the years that made fanart of CRISIS: Equestria, particularly StarlightSpark, who did the original cover page as well as artwork for all of the major OCs and has done so with the prequel, A Royal Affair, and the sequel, New World Order. You can check out all of the fanart here!

A few examples of the great work that went into bringing this story to life:

The original cover page, which shows off all of the major characters, including the Mane Six, their "Mean Six" counterparts, the OC Three that help the Mane Six on their journey, and the main antagonist, Lord Silvertongue.

The Mean Six themselves, by BritishStarr, giving a good look at the six alternate universe counterparts to the Mane Six, and who are central pieces of the story's driving narrative.

Also by BritishStarr, this piece shows off what makes Pinkie so unique in the CRiSIS story. In CRISIS: Equestria, the Mane Six obtain superpowers to put them on even keel with their evil counterparts, and Pinkie in particular can use her imagination as a weapon. Over the course of the story she uses this power to cosplay as some of her favorite pop culture characters, appropriate to whatever threat she's facing, whether it be Jill Valentine to fight off a horde of zombies, Iron Man to fly through the air and beat up a bunch of robots, or Son Goku to face off against overwhelming odds and defeat a great evil.

The cover art to CRISIS: A Royal Affair, also by Starlight Spark. This prequel fic focuses on fan-favorite character Queen Blackburn and details her rise to power and she and Lockwood got together.

The cover art for CRISIS: New World Order, the now-defunct sequel story to CRISIS: Equestria, which takes place twenty years after the original story's epilogue and focuses on Rarity's return to Equestria-V (bringing Flurry Heart and Apple Bloom along for the ride) because love binds folks together even across worlds. This story is no longer canon to the original CRISIS: Equestria timeline.

The cover art for CRISIS: Equestria - Divergence, the alternate universe retelling of the original story. As you can see, it evokes bits and pieces of the original cover, and showcases the new designs for the Mean Six in this new universe.

There are many other pieces of fanart for CRISIS: Equestria, too many to post here, but derpibooru has a fair amount of them, as does the DeviantArt group page.

Comments ( 47 )
  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47

Pssst. Hey you.

You're a potato.

Wow! Gotta say that mlp fans have always been super giving people.

An interesting tidbit: back when the original CRISIS story was still updating before the years-long hiatus (this was like, around Season 3-4 of the show), some of the Polish fans got together and actually printed a few copies (in Polish, natch), even sent one my way (a gift that is truly priceless, I feel).

But to actually answer your question, I have never actually given any thought to printing a physical copy of any of my fanfiction work. I know that that's "a thing" that can be done and sometimes is done, but I just never thought about it before. You put the thought in my mind, sure, but for now, that's all it is: a thought in the back of my head somewhere, next to "have you ever thought about skydiving?"

Ever considered a physical release on something like lulu?

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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