• Member Since 1st Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen July 19th


Just another brony from Norway. I swear I have nothing against Twilight Sparkle.

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Blog Posts

  • 114 weeks
    In case you were wondering...

    ...Reflections in Black and Pink may be slow and inconsistent, but it's not dead. Party Popper isn't going down that easily.

    Like many things, writing is an off and on kind of thing for me. I've been getting back into the groove of it recently (with To Stand and Watch the Lake as a byproduct), and about a chapter and a half of Reflections' Canterlot arc have been written. They're longer chapters, too, so about three chapters by the standards of what's already there.

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    1 comments · 291 views
  • 200 weeks
    Roleplaying Discord server

    For some reason or other I decided to set up a pony roleplaying server on Discord. It features channels for chat and paragraph style roleplays, as well as PluralKit, a bot that lets you send messages as your characters.

    Click here if you're interested!

    0 comments · 222 views
  • 222 weeks
    Helium Treachery

    0 comments · 342 views
  • 246 weeks
    Minor status update

    Given the time since I last updated my fics, I feel I should probably give you a little update:

    Neither of my current fics are dead; I'm just not the type to adhere to any sort of schedule for writing. I write when I feel like it and have time and ideas.

    In fact, since shortly before the MLP finale came out officially, I have been working on a chapter or two of Dreamers and the Moon, which has/have been coming along slowly but nicely.

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    1 comments · 272 views
  • 246 weeks
    Official Hasbro Party Popper merch? Well, not quite...

    Today, I was talking a little about Reflections in Black and Pink on Discord, and found out from a friend named Alex that there actually exists an official playset for babies called the "Playskool Friends Pinkie Pie Party Popper".

    Thanks, Alex, it's horrifying.

    5 comments · 279 views

In case you were wondering... · 4:29am May 16th, 2022

...Reflections in Black and Pink may be slow and inconsistent, but it's not dead. Party Popper isn't going down that easily.

Like many things, writing is an off and on kind of thing for me. I've been getting back into the groove of it recently (with To Stand and Watch the Lake as a byproduct), and about a chapter and a half of Reflections' Canterlot arc have been written. They're longer chapters, too, so about three chapters by the standards of what's already there.

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