• Member Since 15th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Using interrobangs for good and evil.

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Retrospective · 1:57pm May 23rd

Hi everyone,

When I started The Mare in the Warp, 8 years and a half ago, I wanted to prove to myself that I could write a big story and finish it. Past me was naive and didn't realise how big this story would be and the amount of work it would require, but still did its best. The pace is a mess, the character progression is awful at times and there are SO. MANY. TYPOS.

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Report Gowak · 68 views · Story: The Mare in the Warp · #news #hiatus

Working on (or rather struggling with)

The Mare in the Warp - Part two
Chapter 18 and 19 are written and edited. I'll post them on Saturday and Sunday.

Battle Report 04 - To Break a Warmare
A special Battle Report... about Night Terror. If I can finish it in time, it will be posted on Friday, otherwise, Friday.

Battle Report 05 - The Flesh is Weak
Gosh, I still haven't written it... It's a short techmare Rarity story. I might get to it in July.

Three's a crowd - Part two
I plan on rewriting it completely once I've redone the outline.

Comments ( 33 )
  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33

Turns out, when you stare into the void, she stares back. Now I get to read all your stories. I’m super excited ^_^ <3

You deserve a smile, awesome possum!

Trying to spread more kindness around this site. Always here to bring the cheer. πŸ˜‡πŸ’–

You're my friend-a-doodle now. Have a cookie! πŸͺ:rainbowkiss:

You ever need anything, I'm always around. 😌

Thank you! You made my night brighter ^^

Then I am one step closer to make them common in literature!

  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33
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