Moving · 12:22pm Sep 26th, 2015
Hi guys, for anyone that finds this i'm moving sometime in the next week so I will be without internet for a while, I'm hoping that with my time away from the net I might be able to get on with writing though I will try there will unfortunately be no guarantees, I'll make a new blog post once I have the internet again and hopefully it'll come with some story updates for ya. I hope to back with this awesome community soon.
Ooh, a fav on The Bar at the Edge of Nowhere? Why thank you very much stranger.
I am watched O_O
when are you gonna update (The Celestial Lie)
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Up[, you're right, you did favorite This One's For Earth. Thanks for that, I just got in a groove of typing out Thank you for Fragile Sunset and I guess I mixed up your name with someone else, sorry. And if Skeletor isn't showing up, it might be because your setting automatically reset and you can't view mature stories.