• Member Since 20th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen June 26th


Writer, vocalist. Originally had a little story to tell. Over a hundred chapters later, still going strong.

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A Small Update · 8:25am February 18th

So, I think I owe you guys an update now that we're two months into the year. Lots has been going on and you deserve to be made aware.

My brain is in a weird place right now. I'm figuring things out. On the advice of friends, I've decided that the chapter that kept me from posting for an ENTIRE YEAR is either going to be delayed and scrapped entirely thanks to what it was doing to me on a mental and emotional level. I'll figure out some other way to do what I wanted to with that one.

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Comments ( 43 )
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A little late but Happy Halloween!

Sorry it's a bit late, my day was pretty low-energy. But happy birthday!! I hope you had a good one!

Hey, Boltsinger! TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!

Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted Apr 8th, 2023
  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43
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