Writer, vocalist. Originally had a little story to tell. Over a hundred chapters later, still going strong.
Like Reading stories, Chatting with others, Pizza, and doing RPs if anyone’s interested
Author | Pony EDM producer | DJ | Remixer | fluffy trans pegabat mare
I don't write I just read unless you need help with your story, then I write... Well maybe an occasional story.
Artist, Fandom Hoper and all out nerdy person. Excited to write about this charecter!
Author of mildly successful B-List featured stories, freelance editor, and man of many expensive hobbies.
Artsy Fartsy!!! Find me on youtube and DA @MCShelster
Be kind. Everyone's fighting their own secret battles. <3
A snuggly unicorn mathematician. Mainly drawing silly fluffy comics on hoofclid.tumblr.com
I think far, far too hard about things. These things include magical ponies.
Do you think there's such a place as a Promised Land?
For some reason i have the ability to write stories, therefore i continue to write in the hopes of saving what little remains of my sanity.
A washed up old writer who still tries to live in a heyday that has long since passed...
This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
Pony in new tiger hoodie with little to no idea of what she's doing
Someone once said I was passive aggressive. I disagree. I am far too impatient for that. I prefer just being normal aggressive. Don't worry about 'maybe' upsetting me, you will know.
I've been crazy all my life, it's kept me from going insane.
Hey you. Yes, you! Are you a fan of ships? Like cute pones doing cute things? Then you've come to the right place. Come in, sit a while, and partake of my stories as I write them.
Anime is my guide, fantasy is my drive for inspiration.
When I die, I want Pop Goes the Weasel to play at my funeral. That way, as the assistant is winding the crank, the audience stares in horrified expectation at my casket!
Mainly Subnautica. I'm still a Skyrim and FNaF guy too. I guess things don't change that much. Plus, I'm also gonna start doing a clop now, so...
Aspiring writer and avid consumer of many venues of literature.
I think Fluttershy is the cutest and most adorable pony.