• Member Since 24th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Sparkle Cola

Stay tuned...


Reply to Review from Stinium_Ruide · 3:39pm May 8th, 2022

Overall, I am beyond impressed. Stinium_Ruide (can I call you Stinium for short? Or SR?) just but a heck of a lot of preparation and focused thought into his Review, and I just have to say…

Wow! I am honored that you gave it so much time and effort, so I need to give you a humble thanks. Thank you so much!

So I have a few things I want to mention in my reply. In order, I want to mention the following:

  • A few peculiarities about the story’s origin
  • Who I am as a writer 

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Report Sparkle Cola · 375 views · Story: The Amulet of Shades · #Storyplans
Comments ( 96 )
  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96

Been on hold indefinitely... I just reactivated it. Back from the dead (like you!)

i was killed by the burden of SCHOOLWORK. anyways, grogar had no hand in my resurrection. now, i must ask, how has Amulet of Shades come along?

Wait, you were deceased?:pinkiegasp:

What SORCERY is this?! Grogar, where are you, I’d like a word!!!

HEY SPARKLE, WHAT'S UP, I'M alive again, and wanting to know how you're doing

  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96
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