• Member Since 15th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2022


I am trying my hoof out as a proofreader, and editor

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Your Dearly Departed · 2:19am Mar 14th, 2018

Estee is really good at making blog memes.

I first saw this on Present Perfect's blog and decided to join in.
Of the people who have followed me on the first 10, I have met two in real life and have conversed with a few others. A majority of the users I haven't really interacted with.

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Report Fistfire · 425 views ·
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Honestly, i read it about a year ago. I think I liked it at the time

Thanks for adding Trials With Foals to your list! I hope you like/liked it! :D

Hello, Fistfire. Thanks for the follow! Also, much thanks for some of the proofreading you did. Your work made me go back and check on my Pinkie story... glad I did, it needed a little TLC for me to be content with it. Nearly there... :twilightblush:

  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37
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