• Member Since 8th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Sep 12th, 2018


Not much to tell, just an amateur with nothing better to do.

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Sorry · 4:13am Nov 13th, 2017

Hello there! It is I, OutOfTheBlue! I am not dead, thanks for asking! Anyway, I felt bad because I hadn’t uploaded anything recently, so let me fill you in. I took... a break. Yes yes, I know, I know, inconceivable. But don’t worry, I still love writing and have no intention of dropping everything. I just wanted a but of time to not worry about self inflicted deadlines.

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Report OutOfTheBlue · 421 views ·
Comments ( 14 )
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Hey, you still around?

Wait, REALLY?!

:fluttercry:... Sorry about that.

Oh so that's why I couldn't use this name on that site! I had to replace the O's with 0's and make it all one word.

....Ya know I don't know what it is about your username... but I like it. Maybe just a feeling,

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