• Member Since 8th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Sep 12th, 2018


Not much to tell, just an amateur with nothing better to do.


Sorry · 4:13am Nov 13th, 2017

Hello there! It is I, OutOfTheBlue! I am not dead, thanks for asking! Anyway, I felt bad because I hadn’t uploaded anything recently, so let me fill you in. I took... a break. Yes yes, I know, I know, inconceivable. But don’t worry, I still love writing and have no intention of dropping everything. I just wanted a but of time to not worry about self inflicted deadlines.

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Report OutOfTheBlue · 421 views ·

About My Various Stories. · 1:39pm Sep 4th, 2017

Hello there! It's me! I'm here to tell you what's happening with my various stories and sequels and whatnot. Some of you might have been wondering why I started writing a separate story when I have so much to work on already. Well here's the answer. Before I write a story I like to write a general framework for said story. That way I can upload new chapters semi regularly. At the moment I'm working on a bonus chapter for Changelings Aren't Scary, the sequel to Integration is Pointless, and

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Report OutOfTheBlue · 295 views ·

That was unexpected · 4:56pm Aug 11th, 2017

Well... I wasn't expecting this. Not only did my story get featured (still surprised about that) but you guys (my followers) nearly doubled in number. So I just wanted to make this little blog post to say "thank you." The amount of appreciation and helpful comments you've given are very much welcomed. I also wanted to give you some info. First off, yes. I will be adding a few bonus chapters onto Changelings Aren't Scary. You asked and I shall deliver... eventually. As for you older followers,

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Report OutOfTheBlue · 298 views ·

Finally! · 3:17am Jun 7th, 2017

Realized I'd gained a few followers and rather than randomly comment on all of your pages, I decided to do this! First off, thank you for following! I appreciate it very much (Even thought I don't think I really deserve to be followed. Let's face it, I'm mediocre at best.) and second, if you want to tell me what made you want to follow me in the first place, I'd appreciate it greatly. (It's so I can spam the same jokes over and over again.)

Report OutOfTheBlue · 332 views ·

Sorry About This · 7:46pm May 13th, 2017

I will be out of town for the next week due to a family event. Unfortunately, I will be incapable of uploading new chapters so there will be a small break before the next chapter of Integration Is Pointless comes out. I will try to start writing as soon as I'm back. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll keep answering comments, but that's about it. See you next week!

Report OutOfTheBlue · 339 views ·

Long Overdue · 4:22pm Apr 21st, 2017

I kept on meaning to make this, but I kept on forgetting. Anyway, I just wanted to say a quick thanks to you people who are now following me. It means a lot to me and I appreciate it. I'll try to continue improving my writing so... that's nice. Anywho, Just... thanks.

Report OutOfTheBlue · 163 views ·