• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I live in the US, I write stories that deal with standing in difficult times. I also am an amature war historian with some strong beliefs about history. Discord: https://discord.gg/8CcteCH


A Vital Update · 3:43am Last Thursday

Hello, every-pony! it’s been a long time coming, but it is our pleasure to announce that the rewrite of the original 30 chapters is complete! We were able to alert our followers in the Discord server, but haven’t been able to update the blog till now due to personal circumstances.

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Comments ( 104 )
  • Viewing 100 - 104 of 104

What happened to you all?

where did you guys go?

The spelling is correct as it's the american spelling of amature

your mini bio misspells amateur.

Thanks for the watch! Woot! I really appreciate it. :scootangel:

  • Viewing 100 - 104 of 104
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