• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I live in the US, I write stories that deal with standing in difficult times. I also am an amature war historian with some strong beliefs about history. Discord: https://discord.gg/8CcteCH


A Vital Update · 3:43am Last Thursday

Hello, every-pony! it’s been a long time coming, but it is our pleasure to announce that the rewrite of the original 30 chapters is complete! We were able to alert our followers in the Discord server, but haven’t been able to update the blog till now due to personal circumstances.

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Report Commander_Pensword · 135 views · #update

Chapter Delayed · 2:10am Dec 19th, 2017

So, our main editor has fallen ill over the weekend. So I want to say that our chapter will be delayed for the day.

So the chapter should be coming out soon, just i cannot tell you when exactly it will be released.

Thank you for your patience.

Report Commander_Pensword · 1,825 views ·

Delay on Chapter 122 · 12:18am Sep 19th, 2017

Hello to all the readers of An Extended Holiday.

The current Chapter, 122, is currently being edited, and will be ready, however we went a little wild with the length and so our editing team is trying to get it finished.

But one thing we will not even think of being short on is giving our editors the time they request ot work on a chapter. So that is why there will not be any chapter for today, don't worry, we'll post the chapter when it is finished.


Chapter is LIVE!!! · 5:55pm Jan 23rd, 2017

I wanted to say that Chapter 105 Is live.

I have to fix a few things when i first published it, but it should be live and ready to be read for your reading pleasure.

Report Commander_Pensword · 790 views ·

Signal Boost from Last Night's Christmas News · 9:03pm Dec 14th, 2016

Hello to all our readers out there.

I posted this last night, but as I wanted to catch a few more viewers and readers who might have missed this, I am re-posting this Christmas story news.

As this is December and our break month, we as a group have been toying with a few things on top of writing when we can. (Which is a little less as family and holiday events.)

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Merry Christmas to our Readers · 4:09am Dec 14th, 2016

Hello to all our readers out there.

As this is December and our break month, we as a group have been toying with afew things on top of writing when we can. (Which is a little less as family and holiday events.)

So, we decided to create a year long present. Extended Holiday now has an official Discord channel. So, go on and give a click on the link to join the chat and enjoy the events.

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93: the name of the chapter Edits, New Chapter Name as well · 3:41am Aug 31st, 2016

Please note that The Chapter Name has changed to the proper name, and due to some pointers, we were able to fix a few things, including an error. So the link should work now.

However, please do not hesitate to post mistakes and the like you spot, it helps out, and I take it as compliments as our readers want to help make the story better.

We are still in the process of editing the older chapters and going through and testing our links to make sure they are still working and not broken.

Report Commander_Pensword · 315 views ·

Delayed News · 5:59pm Apr 12th, 2016

So, first of all, the votes are in, and it seems you all want to hear more about what is going on. That means that I will need to be making more frequent blog posts about what is going on in my life in general and any stories I or my fellow writers might have or wish to share. Yes, part of my blogging will be about behind the scenes events with An Extended Holiday. Now, however, let us get to the meat of this blog.

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Where are the chapters? · 4:38am Mar 29th, 2016

I am guessing you might me wondering where the chapters are recently?

Well, my desktop decided it was going to die on me. Very annoying, I hoped it was a RAM but turns out it was a mother board. So I am waiting for a new Desktop Tower, which.... is more powerful then my old one. Which baffles my mind to be honest.

Second. I have graduated from my college, and that means job hunting, getting applications in, searching the web for jobs, and turning the applications in.

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Report Commander_Pensword · 317 views ·

Celebration Time · 11:21pm Mar 7th, 2016

I normally don't do blog posts just to blog.

However this is news that need to be said.

Thank you to all 100 of you who have decided to watch me for updates, new stories and the like. I am very grateful for having drawn attention and gained your interest in wanting to follow you all.

So I have a question for you, my watchers. Should I try to give more blogs? Actually write down thoughts, opinions and events that are happening in my life?

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Report Commander_Pensword · 304 views ·