Original Displaced story is available · 11:19pm Jan 16th, 2024
I'm back for the second, most likely actual final time. I have no idea what the state of the site is or how many of the people following me are still on the site. I even have no idea what the state of the MLP intellectual property is, how Gen 5 turned out, etc. I'm here to signal boost my third book, which, as the blog title says, is based on the Displaced subgenre here on Fimfiction, but minus any copyrights that I don't have the rights to. I put out this idea years ago in a blog post, and the
Did your work get published?
I need to know the origin of your username haha. It's made me scratch my head from the moment I got on this site.
I have some ideas that I need help turning into a fire emblem fics can you help please?