
Viewing 1 - 20 of 266 results

Crusade · 12:12am Sep 11th, 2020

I've joined a Displaced war, and we've been working on it for a while. Please support my friends who started it.


A Displaced sent to the Lich Lord Asphyxious. · 11:36pm Sep 17th, 2015

Someone buy something from you know who and they get sent to Asphyxious as his lackey. What do you think? Should Asphyxious have a Displaced sidekick? tell me what you think.


Another idea... but its not a story... · 2:53am May 2nd, 2018

I got another idea but its not a story... rather its a series of stories; basically I've been inspired to write my own Displaced story, but not the way you think.

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Report Animatorsnake · 283 views · #DISPLACED!

New Displaces · 10:11pm May 20th

Ok so I don't know if anyone is interested but I sorta want to bring displacement into Wattpad but instead of mlp it can be any world from cartoons, videogames, anime etc.

Report WilliamMeaux · 72 views · #Displaces

Original Displaced story is available · 11:19pm January 16th

I'm back for the second, most likely actual final time. I have no idea what the state of the site is or how many of the people following me are still on the site. I even have no idea what the state of the MLP intellectual property is, how Gen 5 turned out, etc. I'm here to signal boost my third book, which, as the blog title says, is based on the Displaced subgenre here on Fimfiction, but minus any copyrights that I don't have the rights to. I put out this idea years ago in a blog post, and the

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New Group: The Displaced Writers League · 8:00pm Jan 10th, 2017

Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, I was reading my comments on my last blog post when one of the comments stated that the Displaced admins only want "good" Displaced stories in their group. I SAY DIFFERENT! Look, we Displaced writers put a lot of time and effort into writing these stories, and to have them get shit on all the time and casted aside by the very people who created the genre in the first place, it can do a real number on the ol' morale. So, I created

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First Story · 6:09am Apr 18th, 2019

I'm going to give you two story pitches and want to know which one to focus on.

Darkness is rising... which is a good thing, because the Light has upset the balance. The forces in the dark are important too, and need protecting as much as the light, if not moreso... cause Light finds a way while Darkness is forced to cower in it's wake. So one man, split twelves ways till Sunday must restore the Darkness to it's former glory.

That last one was hard to make.

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A new story, my dudes. · 12:20am Feb 11th, 2019


There's a new story I'm publishing tomorrow morning. Which is more of a parody fic. It's ripping on Displaced stories and edgy stuff like that. It's called:

Displaced, But Nothing Goes Right.

Look out for it tomorrow and check it out whenever you can.

Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

Report BradyBunch · 288 views · #displaced

Displaced Kombatant — Henkō Yurei · 8:24pm Apr 1st, 2019

What happens when you see something you never expected? What happens when someone who didn't want you to see it knows what you saw.... and aims to make sure you don't tell a living soul?

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Report KukriRyuTsukino · 339 views · #Displaced

Guess I'm here? · 6:41am Jul 3rd, 2017

Hey guys, so it's been over a year since I've said... really anything on this website. I ain't here though to bust out with "I'm back, and ready to burn through some writing!" or anything. Further from it, I'm afraid. This very likely will be the last thing I put on this website unless I find something that really gets my writing motivation going. I already feel pretty bad about just abandoning the stories that people seemed to be really enjoying and it still astounds me that I come back to

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Possible Idea for Displaced Story · 12:20am Apr 30th, 2018

I am a resident of Scotland and lover of many Scottish Things.

As I am sure many people of my homeland agree that many things in Scotland are great and wonderful to see.

So naturally when a Superhero and Comic Book Character that is dubbed Scotlands first Superhero is making headway to great popularity I have to postulate an idea to have someone be Displaced as him.

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Report MagicLover2128 · 409 views · #Displaced

Arashi Tsukino - known aliases - Robert Ranstoc, Stormy Vale · 8:13pm Feb 18th, 2021

I will give you a taste of a new Displaced whom will be debuting next month.
First Person Perspective

I never really thought much about my... awareness... of what most would most certainly call the 'unnatural'. I had chosen a rather particular costume of layered ceramic and steel with a lacquered layer of quartz offset with obsidian inlays edged with gold.

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Report KukriRyuTsukino · 242 views · #Displaced

Crusade · 12:18am Sep 11th, 2020

I need you guys to give my friend and I support on a project of ours. We'll be updating it soon, and hopefully consistently. It's a Displaced war, but on a smaller scale. We've used the mistakes of the past to help us make this one truly special. It's mainly Warhammer 40k, but you don't need to know anything to follow along. I know I don't.


Chapter 7 incoming. · 5:34am Sep 13th, 2018

Part 1 is 5000 words.


Displaced, why they work so well in mlp and other crossover possibilities. · 3:05pm Mar 21st, 2018

I always liked the Idea of the Displaced even before there was fimfiction to have the group, but the question arose “why does the MLP world work so well with the displaced idea?” let me tell you I have given it some thought and come up with some ideas as to why.

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Report Royal7 · 384 views · #Displaced

My View On Displaced Stories · 7:52am May 13th, 2020

I don't think I will ever write one, unless it's about a Neckbeard going to Neckbeard-con and he becomes a Neckbeard in Equestria. I can't bring myself to read them. The Neckbeard in my story also needs to be morbidly obese and with long rockstar like hair.

I'm sorry they sound dumb even for me. They ruin iconic characters from other genres. If I want to see Batman In Equestria, I want him to be actually Batman, not some neckbeard dressed up as him.

Report Bendy · 261 views · #Displaced

Fallen Kings and Beasts: Update #1 · 1:41pm Jul 17th, 2019

For those of you who have been following the story and waiting, I’d like to inform you of when the next chapter releases. Before I tell you an estimated release, I’ve set a goal of having chapters having 4,000-10,000+ words and more. I’m 4,000 into the second chapter yet I’m not nearly finished. Anyways, I’m estimating for the second chapter to be released anywhere from Friday of this week to Friday of next week. I could release it faster but I got work, though it does give me time to properly

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Report LudicrousBot · 239 views · #Displaced

A displaced ilulu · 11:12pm Apr 5th, 2020

What if instead of turning Discored to stone, when Celstia and Luna control the Elements of Harmony, instead kill him instead. Not realizing that the elements of harmony was supposed to turn Discored to stone, Celestia and Luna continued there lives as normal. Some time later, someone (male or female) get's displaced as ilulu from Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon (Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) and become's the new chaos lord. This new chaos lord understand's the balance of the world and only creates

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Report loveless2012 · 258 views · #displaced

New Displaced · 2:48am Jun 26th, 2015

Okay guys I had this idea for a Displaced, you ready? Wait for it...

Jelly Kid.


As a side note I seem to have lost my marbles. If you find them let me know.

Report ArcIsDead · 335 views · #Displaced

i think i have a problem...... · 10:18am Jul 27th, 2015

I might be displaced addicted with 22 stories in my displace shelf is it normal?

Report OmegaRuby · 290 views · #displaced
Viewing 1 - 20 of 266 results