• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2023

Silver Hoof

I used to write. Depression killed that for years. I might get back to it someday.

I Wrote These, And You're... Going... To LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments ( 179 )
  • Viewing 175 - 179 of 179

Thankies for der follow n stuff it is appreciated...N stuff .:twilightsmile:

Earthworm Jim! You're looking more earhwormy than usual. Is that a new suit?

Thanks kindly for the fave.

  • Viewing 175 - 179 of 179
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I doubt I'll be continuing any of my stories... · 5:33pm Sep 17th, 2016

I'm sorry, guys. I've completely lost my drive. But I'm not going to delete.. On the off-chance that my inspiration comes back for even one story, I'm leaving them up.

Report Silver Hoof · 381 views · Story: A Startling Discovery · #update