Sick pony too tired to write · 1:11pm Sep 22nd, 2012
OK. Ponymon is on temporary hiatus. I'm just to busy with school and Puella Magi Twilight Magica, And also, I've been feeling very out of sorts... But, part four of PMTM is nearly done, so I will post it once i finish the cliff hanger!
Alrighty. Thank you for the input!
144952 Well, I've always liked Tosh.0, and I really felt you pulled the crossover off nicely.
Thanks for the favorite on Ponies.0!
I honestly didn't think how it would have been. If you want, please let me know what made you like the story, so that I can reproduce more of it for later. I'm terrible at writing comedy, so any comments would be appreciated!
Well the first chapter was... interesting. Though I must agree with the comments, put more stuff in.
Umm, I'll just read it and tell you what I think. There is a saying among great writers: "Murder your darlings."
Which means kill or remove the things that mean alot to you but not the readers.