• Member Since 9th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2015


Hi I'm Hollyfern! Aspiring doctor that tries his hoof at fanfics. I Would very much like feedback! I typically can and will write about my darling filly Silver Spoon!


Good news, Bad news and Non-Silver news. · 12:47am Jan 10th, 2015

Apologies for the wait, new year, school business and whatnot. Now onto the update,

The Good:
The chapter for Silver Spoon is complete!

The Bad:
I'm... unsure about it. What I mean by that is there seems to be too much? Yes, too much perhaps going on. Then again, perhaps I'm being too self critical. :duck:

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Report Hollyfern · 664 views · Story: The Spoon That Refused Polish ·

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Comments ( 113 )
  • Viewing 109 - 113 of 113

Hey man. I just wanted to send a quick thank you for being the first perosn to follow me, and stick with it. I appreciate that. :twilightsmile:

*Finds himself wandering around your userpage* Hope you're still around... really liked your stories... :applecry:

19 weeks? Hmm...

Damn. 16 weeks...

  • Viewing 109 - 113 of 113
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