• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 18th, 2023


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New things are happening! · 6:20pm Apr 24th, 2015

Hello everypony,

I'd like to apologize for the insane amount of silence that has blanketed my page. I haven't been writing for well over a year and it's been a mixture of taking a break and life becoming busy. Fear not though, I have a new story in the works that'll certainly make up for my radio silence. What that story is for me to know and you guys to find out. :twilightsmile:

Report HenryAnthonyCourtler · 497 views ·
Comments ( 88 )
  • Viewing 84 - 88 of 88

It's been two years, XD Hope SOMETHING comes from ya~! You're a great writer~!

Hey there~! You still alive and kickin?

THIS GUY!!!! *eyebrow waggle*


Thank you very much for the kind words! I'm looking to get back to work on it in the future, though I have something new coming.

Need more of the "The Mute Octave." Definitely one of my favorite stories involving Octavia and dancing around the genre of romance. Keep up the absolutely stunning work that you have produced in the story. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 84 - 88 of 88
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