• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
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I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?

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  • EMagus Aequator
    It would have ushered us into a new Golden Age. It would have upended Equestrian society. It would have been a new era of wonder and magic, had the nobles not raised their swords and lit the city on fire. Instead, all it will now do is gather dust.
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  • TThe Bells' Toll
    Keep your ears perked up since you never will know, when the ringing returns to reap what it sowed.
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  • TS.S. Gale Clipper
    Equestrian Coast Guard, Vanhoover Station, to all vessels. The S.S. Gale Clipper, a 630 foot freighter, has gone missing in rough seas ten nautical miles north of Cape Hornwell. All nearby vessels proceed to the area to assist the search and rescue.
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  • TFight Club
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  • E>Dat Hivemind
    Chrysalis has been fired as Changeling Queen, but now the Changeling Hivemind must do something even harder than attack a shielded Canterlot filled with the weaponized love of its inhabitants: hire a new queen.
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  • TCompliance
    An OHSA Compliance Officer inspects the Rainbow Factory. Bureaucracy ensues.
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Current Story Progress


Regent - Projected story length: 250,000 words. Current length: 126,308 words. Estimated time to completion: Summer, 2022. 10/TBD chapters complete.

Cutie Mark Crusader Alicorn Hunters - Projected story length: 20,000 words. Current length: 1,134 words. Estimated time to completion: Heat Death of the Universe. 1/? chapters complete.


Rules and Procedures to be Enacting for Use During Magical Activities and the Arcane Arts as Ordained and Authorized by the Ancient Alicorn Sisters - Projected length: 6,000 words. Current length: 2,495 words. Projected time to completion: Summer, 2021.

Last updated: 05/12/20.


A Decade of a Deadfic · 5:49pm Oct 26th, 2023

A decade ago, today, Regent last updated. Needless to say, this is not an anniversary I was looking forward to. Part of me didn’t want to even acknowledge it, but it’s been years since I did one of those “deadfic updates” authors do and a decade’s as good of a reason to as any, so I figured why not.

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Comments ( 139 )
  • Viewing 135 - 139 of 139

Hey TSG, saw you were online recently, hope you're doing well :twilightsmile:

Unfortunately I don't. Typing in "fru, fanfic review" in the blog search will give you the more recent reviews, but anything older than about update #160 didn't use tags.

Yeah, figured that was the case.

Sorry, I'm not taking any commissions. I have a hard enough time writing my own ideas.

Considering how busy life's probably been keeping you I think I already know the answer, but I figured I'd ask anyway:
Would you possibly be willing to take a fic commission?

  • Viewing 135 - 139 of 139
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