• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?


The discovery of a mysterious book in Golden Oak Library forces Celestia and Luna to confront their pasts and reflect on the present. After the book draws the attention of those who want to use it for their own gain, the sisters must prevent its powerful magic from falling into the wrong hooves. But the book has its own inscrutable plans...

This is the 2024 /fimfic/ exquisite corpse, a collaboration by myself and:
Zaid ValRoa
Math Spook
Etyco Filly
Not That Anon
Gold Meddle
Captain Neckbeard
Make sure to check out their other stories!

Cover art graciously made by Zaid ValRoa

An exquisite corpse is a game where authors take turns writing chapters of a shared story. Each author is only allowed to see the immediately preceding chapter. The inevitable confusion is part of the fun!

Chapters (13)

The Canterlot Archives continues our look back on the Nobility Revolt of 503 with this excerpt from High Overseer Magic Flare's seminal work The Nobles’ Revolt, where he recorded his firsthoof account of the devastating attack and its lasting consequences on Equestria.

The excerpt chosen from this twenty-four chapter book is a poignant one, showing Princess Celestia's reaction to the discovery of Archmage Mana Spring's famed lost rune. One which, by all accounts, would have unleashed a magical revolution never before seen in our history, had he been able to complete it before the events of that harsh spring.

Chapters (1)

On this 400th anniversary of the Crimson Week, the Canterlot Archives is proud to present Poet Laureate Songbird’s most famous work. Written for Princess Celestia over the summer of 617 during her melancholic “Rump Regency,” it details the origins of that horrible week and was an attempt in Songbird’s own words “to be a balm on the wounds that continue to plague us today.”

Please enjoy this all-time classic from the Darkened Sun era of Equestria's literary canon.

Chapters (1)

“We’re coming up behind you, Clipper. Seven clicks. White Peak reports the Cape Hornwell radio beacon’s broke. We’re radar only.”

“Celestia, what a time for them to be napping. You’ll have to guide us in, Baron. Our radar went down after that last wave. List is at ten degrees and hatch three is off its hinges.”

“We got you, Clipper. Just hold tight.”

“We’re trying. Gale Clipper out.”

Chapters (1)

Midnight Dream is your average bat pony. She's young, athletic, and agile. She has fangs, tufted ears, and leathery wings. She lives in Hollow Shades. But unlike most bat ponies, she's not in the Night Guard; instead opting to follow her special talent and fulfill her dream.

As it turns out, gardening doesn't pay nearly as well as the military does. With bills constantly piling up and demand for gardeners in a town full of soldiers at an all time low, she's desperate for whatever bits she can get her hooves on. And it just so happens there's a new “underground” fighting tournament in town that's paying rather handsomely.

Content Advisory: Don't let the tags or synopsis fool you: this story's a clopfic through and through—it just happens to use some of the more bizarre, if nonsexual, fetishes out there. Fetishes which include: flattening, body compression, vampirism, hypnosis, and oddly done third person narration.

Chapters (13)

After countless failures, unkept promises, and horrendous public relations that have made changelings look like a swarm of mindless locusts, the Changeling Hivemind has fired Chrysalis as Their Queen. Now, They must choose a new queen, but in order to stop past mistakes from repeating, They decide to hold auditions and perform a thorough vetting of the candidates to find the best one.

Chapters (1)

The Cloudsdale Weather Corporation is thrown into panic and chaos when an OSHA Compliance Officer arrives at their Rainbow Factory for a surprise inspection. Now, Factory Manager Rainbow Dash must cooperate with the Officer's inspection, lest he revoke their license, all the while trying to keeping the dark secrets of the Factory hidden.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Ascend

Congratulations, Twilight. With Celestia and Luna on their constitutionally mandated vacation, you're in charge of Equestria. The position of Regent is an honored and hallowed one. But maybe it's a bit early to congratulate you. After all, whether it's a nobility jealous of your ascension, or a military unhappy with Celestia's decisions; one thing's certain: your reign will be anything but peaceful.

Chapters (5)

Ah'm trying to tell you guys, but yer not listenin'. Haven't you two noticed Twilight actin' different lately? How she's always nervous in public now? Or how 'bout the fact she's never at her library no more? It's like she's hidin' somethin' and Ah know what it is. She's got wings, and we're gonna prove it.

Spin-off of Ascend.

Chapters (1)

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. It's something new and you like discovering new things. Granted, Equestrians don't like new things, especially things that fundamentally alter their government. So maybe there is reason not to be happy after all.

Chapters (18)